A trip for work took me back to one of my first villages in Alaska - Fort Yukon.

Fort Yukon lies on the Arctic Circle in the Yukon Flats. It recorded the highest ever temperature in Alaska of 100 degrees F on June 27, 1915.

On the way, we got an awesome view of Denali from the air

I was in charge of putting in the new weather station from scratch.. including digging a ditch for wiring.

Remote villages means an awesome airplane ride! We took a Piper Navajo 6-seater to and from Fairbanks.

I love flying over the open unestablished land. It's fun to picture yourself down at ground level, knowing that from the sky things look so dramatically different.

On the way back, we took the scenic route through the White Mountains, and I got to see aerially where I had been biking all last winter. It looks way scarier and way more in the middle of nowhere from an airplane than on ground!

'Til next time, Fort Yukon.
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