Friday, March 16, 2012

Aurora season

Here is an aurora shot from 1am last night. I was using Brian's Canon Rebel XTi for the first time ever, and did not focus the camera correctly, or know how to change the aperture, so this photo is sub-par for what the camera can handle! All of the rest of them came out pretty blurry..especially the nice and bright ones! Someday, I promise good aurora photos. :-)

My sister and brother in law show up in less than two weeks, and seeing the aurora is at the top of their list. I hope it can happen! We are getting spoiled here in Interior Alaska!


Karen said...

Pretty! For the first year we lived in CA, I drove around at night and would see light pollution on the clouds from town and think it was the aurora. My head whipped around to see it before I realized that, duh, not in Alaska anymore.

Julie said...

Thanks, Karen! I know that feeling. Daylight is gaining on us and soon the aurora will be a memory again until August!

theorbo said...

Awesome pic - glad you are posting again!