Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bliss at 20 below

High today: -12
Low today: -24
Mileage: 9

"You look way too small to be riding that bike!"
Yeah maybe.. but I'd like to think if I can pedal this thing then I'll be in good shape for the spring when the snow disappears! Even winterized, the crank was freezing up by the mid-point of my ride. Just a little more effort that's all. I am hoping for temperatures to perk up by 30 degrees or so in Anchorage in two weeks so pedaling will be like butter compared to today.

We have gotten a few inches of new snow within the past several days. It is kind of chilly to still be snowing but at these temps we don't need a whole lot of precipitable water to get some snow. We are also up to the max depth of snow Fairbanks had last winter at 19 inches, woo! May it continue! 20-something inches on the ground is pleasant.. unless of course you are slogging through it instead of on top of it, or get your car stuck in a ditch.

My eyelashes got much more frozen by the time I got home, but this was a really pretty section of the ride. I love nothing more than when the snow stays on the trees and looks like a winter dream world.
Here is an aurora shot from the other night when it was 30 below. It was not particularly bright, but still nice as usual. The aurora viewing this year has been non-existent compared to normal. We have had a lot of clear nights but not aurorally active nights. But hey, better something than nothing, right? :)
I am excited for two far-away visitors coming within the month. Some fun things will be going down for sure!

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