Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Smoky Fourth

On the 3rd of July, the university's 'day off'', a group of us went over to Chena Lakes. Some enjoyed just snoozing in the sun and some of us went a floatin'.. it was a perfect day for it.. in the 80s and sunny. Below are Steve and Erica and our moose-friend. Everyone smiled for the camera!
This is really zoomed in and kinda blurry, but still kind of neat.
The actual 4th of July, Fairbanks woke up to poor air quality and mounds of smoke from wildfires. Even though the fires aren't THAT close, the wind shift brought an unpleasant stink to the air and reduced visibilities for most of the day.
But we still gathered 'round to set off a few fireworks that worked as day-time fireworks.. including the infamous parachute men barrel.
And slingshot a few rocks at cans. We're classy like that.

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