Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Best of luck to you

I don't know if it just has to do with being in your mid-20s and hanging out with people with adventurous spirits, or if it really is just Fairbanks and its ever-transient nature, but this time every year a lot of people move onto other chapters in their lives. This time Josh and Debbie are moving - these guys were my first friends in Fairbanks when I moved back, and most of my ridiculous adventures were made with them. I haven't known too many people to agree without flinching to some ideas that make a lot of others say, "you want to what???" The best aurora I have ever seen was with these two. We've pushed our limits together, gotten terribly lost on the trails together (ok, that was Debbie and I), helped each other move residences, and in general spent a lot of time together. Josh I will never forgot your ridiculous project of a truck. Good luck Josh and Debbie! You'll be missed!

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