Monday, August 25, 2008

Riding buddies

High today: 62
Low today: 41

Went for another mtn bike ride tonight.. the weather has been absolutely spectacular and perfect for riding. Here's Adam and Laura trying to figure out all the settings on Laura's new bike!
Heidi below coming out of the "after hours trail". We were laughing about the girl to guy ratio on our ride because none of us have ridden with more gals than guys ever. Normally the ratio is more like 5 guys to 1 gal at least! The colors are changing in Fairbanks. It is awesome watching it happen but I am a little nervous about the quick transition to winter. I'm ready for riding in the darkness though with a new bike light for the winter.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun ... where did you all go? And are the leaves already going to be yellow when I get back???

Julie said...

Debbie, we went up on the Skyline Ridge trails. They are super fun! I can show you when you get back. Next week perhaps?? :-)

WishIWasInHazleton said...

My fav park of a bike is the kick stand. Since you don't have one on your bike obviously your bike sucks :P