Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Prindle area, winter style.

High yesterday: 2
Low yesterday: -12
I never did make it up to the White Mountains much this summer to explore this expansive territory north of Fairbanks. My friend Steffen wanted to attempt a winter trip in an area he hasn't been in, which brought us to the Mt. Prindle road yesterday. We had quite the assortment of outdoor enthusiasts - snowshoers, skiers and bikers.. unfortunately I have no pictures of everyone, just of Debbie biking with me. I will post some pictures she took when I get them from her, since my camera's batteries died rather early in the trip. We came across two dog sled teams which was really cool seeing! Debbie has a few pictures of them.

I'm sure you are asking why in any right mind would someone want to bike this area instead of ski or hike it, and the only answer I have for you is that I was beginning to have some serious bike withdrawal since now my commute to work is easier and warmer via ski... and I need more practice in the snow. Anyway, this trip was really fun.. short but fun. Below, Debbie battles the sport we call snow biking... the conditions were great at the beginning but deteriorated slightly a few miles up the road so there was a lot of slogging. It was a really beneficial trip because we picked up some new balance and momentum skills.
And on a completely different note, a special birthday shoutout to my best bud from college, Alexis! Happy 23rd!


AP said...

hey look, I made your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I love, it, it looks absolutely beautiful there!! I miss snow sometimes.