Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can I Claim The Farthest North Terrible Towel? Probably Not!

High today: -9 F
Low today: -16 F

One of my professors is originally from Pittsburgh and convinced me to come to seminar today (when really, I had planned to go and ride my bike!) because she had a special Steelers treat. Just so happens I was ready with my shirt and earrings today. My terrible towel has been proudly hanging in the cabin window for weeks and I am ready for Sunday's superbowl win or lose! It is weird not being surrounded by Steelers fans. But if you listen hard you can hear me yelling from here. Here we go Steelers, here we go!


theorbo said...

That's awesome! I hope you had fun wherever you were watching! I was in Vancouver and it was a different experience but fun & unique!

Unknown said...

mmm, patty and reed had a steelers cookie cake too and it was AWESOME.