Awesome job in the White Mountains, Julie! I can't imagine doing that race as a first winter ultra. It was many degrees more difficult than the Susitna 100, with much more climbing, overflow and wildly fluctuating temperatures. I am really impressed that you rallied after the Ice Lakes. I hope you are currently sleeping and eating tons. I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. Tuesday swapping race stories and I was on a plane to Juneau by 6 a.m. Fairbanks was awesome! Both the scenery and the biker-skier community! I really hope to get back up there soon. It was fun to meet you and I look forward to hearing about your experience.
Good luck with the race! Should be fast biking for most of the course.
Go Julie! Good luck (and have a ton of fun)
Have a great race, Julie! Go fast, and keep the fun meter pegged to the redline!
Awesome job in the White Mountains, Julie! I can't imagine doing that race as a first winter ultra. It was many degrees more difficult than the Susitna 100, with much more climbing, overflow and wildly fluctuating temperatures. I am really impressed that you rallied after the Ice Lakes. I hope you are currently sleeping and eating tons. I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. Tuesday swapping race stories and I was on a plane to Juneau by 6 a.m. Fairbanks was awesome! Both the scenery and the biker-skier community! I really hope to get back up there soon. It was fun to meet you and I look forward to hearing about your experience.
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