Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ready to Race

Sink or swim! It's race time. Follow us here starting 8am Sunday!

Follow my progress via SPOT here!
Thanks to my many "sponsors" - I couldn't be doing this without you all! An extensive list will follow...


spruceboy said...

Good luck with the race! Should be fast biking for most of the course.

brittany said...

Go Julie! Good luck (and have a ton of fun)

John said...

Have a great race, Julie! Go fast, and keep the fun meter pegged to the redline!

Jill Homer said...

Awesome job in the White Mountains, Julie! I can't imagine doing that race as a first winter ultra. It was many degrees more difficult than the Susitna 100, with much more climbing, overflow and wildly fluctuating temperatures. I am really impressed that you rallied after the Ice Lakes. I hope you are currently sleeping and eating tons. I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. Tuesday swapping race stories and I was on a plane to Juneau by 6 a.m. Fairbanks was awesome! Both the scenery and the biker-skier community! I really hope to get back up there soon. It was fun to meet you and I look forward to hearing about your experience.