Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Little Town With a Great Big Life

High today: 61
Low this morning: 52

One last look at Beaver Stadium after OSU kicked our butts..

Today was the last time I will set foot in Beaver Stadium for awhile. Next weekend is our last home game of the season, and my sister will be in town (yay!) so I won't be making an appearance at that one. I will miss the stadium that has packed over 110,000 people in it at once.

Random fact: State College is the third largest city in Pennsylvania on football weekends.

This town is insane on football weekends. The roads are not made to handle the traffic, roads shut down in favor of the football game. People watching is extremely entertaining. Everybody's super friendly and random high-fives are given out. Definitely an awesome place to be. I can't have asked for a better place to live for the last 4.5 years, except for the weather, ha ha.

Long live small towns..


...Girl Out West... said...

Long live the 2005 PSU/OSU game and its result. Best senior year a girl like me could ask for.

And long live small towns and their spirit, like State College. Its why I cry every time I watch a game on tv now...

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, Jules. The only part I did not like was the count down to graduation. We like you too much here on Glenn Rd and don't want you to go. Awesome pics as always. Thanks for putting up with my parents this weekend.
